Download Your games


Download My games played on is one of the most popular portal for playing online chess games. If you want to download your played games on then you are on right place. 

Just enter your username and click on Search, It will fetch a list whichs shows which month  you have played any game on, Click on Download to download all games played in that month.

There are number of reasons why one would like to download thier games played on and the most important one among them is to analyze those game as a collection so that you can get a weighted result of any move that you have played. But why analyzing own game is important? Let's undersdtand


Importance of Analyzing Own Chess Games

Chess is a game of strategy and tactics that has been played for centuries. It requires a player to use his or her brain power to outsmart the opponent. Chess is a game that has stood the test of time, and it is played by millions of people worldwide. However, playing chess is not just about making moves and capturing pieces. It is also about analyzing your own games to improve your skills.


Reasons for Analyzing Chess Games

Analyzing your own chess games is crucial if you want to improve your skills. There are several reasons why you should analyze your own games.


Understanding your thought process

Analyzing your own chess games can help you understand your thought process during the game. You can identify the moves you made and the reasons behind them. This can help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and make better decisions in the future.


Identifying mistakes and weaknesses

Analyzing your own chess games can help you identify mistakes and weaknesses in your game. You can identify the moves that led to your defeat and analyze them in detail. This can help you avoid making the same mistakes in the future.


Improving decision-making skills

Analyzing your own chess games can help you improve your decision-making skills. You can analyze your thought process during the game and identify the moves that led to your success. This can help you make better decisions in the future.


Learning from the masters

Analyzing the games of the masters can help you learn new strategies and techniques. You can study their games and try to understand their thought process. This can help you develop new strategies and improve your game.


Developing new strategies

Analyzing your own chess games can help you develop new strategies. You can identify the moves that led to your success and try to replicate them in the future. You can also try to improve upon those moves to create new strategies.


How to Analyze Chess Games

There are several ways to analyze chess games.


Use of computer analysis

Computer analysis is a popular way to analyze chess games. There are several software programs available that can analyze your games and provide feedback. These programs can help you identify mistakes and weaknesses in your game.

Manual analysis with a coach

Manual analysis with a coach is another way to analyze chess games. A coach can provide feedback and help you identify mistakes and weaknesses in your game. They can also help you develop new strategies